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Jason Carter offers the following two options for you:

A. To self-publish your work as an ebook using Kindle. This enables your book to be read on a Kindle device and other smart devices. Users simply pay for and download your work from the Amazon website.


B. To self-publish your book as a printed paperback. Jason uses Amazon’s print-on-demand service. This too is made available via Amazon. When a buyer purchases your book on Amazon, Amazon prints, packages and ships the book to the buyer. You can also purchase in bulk from Amazon at a special author price, usually at around half the cost, plus P+P costs from the US, (P+P costs + printing combined works out cheaper than producing a standard book size of 6 x 9 here in the UK)


Jason can manage the entire process for you.


- He can set up your Kindle and Amazon paperback portals

- He can create your e-book

- He can design the paperback artwork files in the formats required



The following prices do not include costs for printing. The printing costs per book will be calculated at a later stage when we have a final page count of the typeset book.


Ebook only - £50 (set-up) + £300.00 (design and build)
Print on demand only - £50 (set-up) + £700 (design and artwork)
Both Ebook and print on demand (recommended) - £100 (set up) + £800 (design and build)


Other costs, such as amendments to the proofs, charged at £20 per hour.


Cover artwork will consist of up to 3 stock photos including some image manipulation/montage with typographical layout from a supplied brief from the client.​


​​​​​​​The price doesn't include any bespoke photography, but if you have a photograph that has been professionally shot in a studio for the purpose of the book cover then Jason can work with that. You can discuss details about the cover with him at a later stage.

©2024 Cherith Stibbe, BookLab

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